So, here I am writing my first ever blog post, while waiting for my pie to finish cooking. I admit it is a chicken pie - I was vegetarian (practising ahimsa, non-violence) but since the birth of my daughter meat is back on the menu. Anyway, I digress.
I started to teach yoga professionally this year after qualifying with Triyoga in London. The last four months have been somewhat of a rollercoaster but, a good one (probably the little caterpillar one, I like that, not the black hole type). I've gone back to work as a publisher after a year off on maternity leave and I teach two yoga classes a week on a Thursday evening - soon to be two evenings when I add Mondays to my timetable on the 20th September.
Meanwhile my little girl is growing at full pelt, with bigger and better tantrums every day - she is a wonderful joyous creature and she brings an amazing amount of light and happiness to our lives, as well as a lot of hard work (and shoulder ache, must remember to put osteopath's appointment in my diary!).
I intend for this blog to add to my students' experience of yoga, provide perhaps a little bit of inspiration and act as a reminder that we're all human, life can be hard but go easy on yourselves and each other. We can discuss the history of yoga next time, perhaps, but one of the biggest things for me about yoga is the practice of non-judgement. Many of us are often guilty of judging ourselves too harshly, "I should be better at that posture!", "I'm not good enough/pretty enough/strong enough/clever enough". Give yourself a break, think about who you truly are, what you have done, where you have had an impact. You are as you see yourself so see yourself as bright, loving, generous and amazing!