Sunday, 6 January 2013

Class update 2013

Classes recommence in January on Saturday 12th at the Stroud Yoga Space
If you're lucky enough to be expecting a baby in 2013 then you can join me for pregnancy yoga at 9.00 until 10.20am, or if you want to start the weekend with an uplifting and rejuvenating practice then join me for Hatha flow yoga at 10.30 until 11.30am. Email me for details or to reserve a space.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Happy new year!

2012 was a busy one; we spent our first year in our new home in Stroud, the new yoga studio opened up down the road, classes started again after maternity leave and my body has started, I repeat started, to get back to some sort of normal after my eldest turned three and my youngest turned one in the Summer. There have been plenty of 'episodes' to test my yogic breathing and my ability to remember the importance of the exhale. Plus, on clearing out the bathroom cupboard today I found a bottle of Bach rescue remedy - I plan to put this to good use next time the monster that is PMT returns (my family, I'm sure, will be thankful).  I look forward to 2013 and for today at least, with its spring-like brightness, I feel ready to tackle and enjoy the challenges it throws in my direction. Welcome 2013, let's make it a good one.