Saturday, 9 February 2013

Downward Dog, A Yogi's Best Friend

Downward dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana, is one of those asanas that you will practice in virtually every yoga class you attend. But how often do you have the time in class to really understand the ins and outs of this key posture?

This workshop provides the time and space to be able to explore all that downward dog has to offer. It's a posture that can be practised to deepen the breath and calm the mind, while also helping to create space and strength through the whole of the body. Downward dog works along the entire length of the body, from the crown of the head to the heels of the feet.

In this hour-and-a-half workshop we will explore:

- the benefits of down dog
- the correct alignment
- modifications to get the most out of your down dog
- prana/energy and the bandhas in down dog (this includes working the core and the pelvic floor)
- variations such as one legged down dog
- stepping and jumping through

If you already practice yoga but want to maximise the benefits of this posture, then sign up to this workshop on Sunday 24th March at Stroud Yoga Space.

I hope it will be insightful and a chance to play with a yogi's best friend, the downward dog.

Email me for more information or to book a space:

To be kept up to date join the
Facebook event.

Date: Sunday 24 March 2013
Time: 11.00am - 12.30pm
Cost: £10 (payable in advance)
Venue: Stroud Yoga Space

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